October 2020 Wrap Up


October 2020 Wrap Up

Hype Realty Monthly Newsletter

Client Wrap up – October 2020

It’s nice to know that some things don’t change.  Despite a pandemic, Australian’s still haven’t lost their obsession with real estate and it looks like our confidence in bricks and mortar is going to pay off with a number of property experts talking up the possibility of a “boom” on the horizon for large parts of Australia.

The federal and state governments are intending to spend up big on infrastructure and there is nothing quite like big projects such as motorways, hospitals and the like to supercharge a real estate market.

Some positive news as we roll towards the end of a highly unusual 2020.


With the sleigh bells starting to jingle in the distance, it looks like we are going power through to the other side of Christmas with this great momentum.  We still have more prospective tenants than available properties in our area with the demand for larger family homes higher than ever before.

For those properties not receiving any interest from prospective applicants, we are generally finding a price adjustment is all that is required to generate enquiry.  

Is Your Property Summer Ready?

Mel & Shannon provide you with some helpful information in this video about getting your investment property ready for the upcoming season!

Watch Video Here

Contact us now if you’d like further information or any quotes for the items suggested.

Take care,

Shannon & Mel

Hype Realty, PO Box 1146, Nerang, QLD 4211, 07 5611 5007